Winter Experiences

If we live in a place that enjoys a change of seasons, then the winter that we experience holds it’s own special pleasures for us. As it is February, we are fully into winter. Some may be playing in the snow, enjoying the outdoors. Some may have traveled away from cold and snow. Those living in these darker winter months might feel puzzled by the desire to tuck-in and hunker down with a book or tackle an indoor project that needs attention. Maybe we have a “hibernating” inclination , wanting to stay more in our “cave” and be less active. And it actually feels good, and fills us up in a different way.

Tucking-in or hibernating as part of our winter experience can be a natural and healthy choice. Like a piece of farmland or a garden, the soil cannot be active, fertile and producing all year long. It needs to lay fallow, to take time to recoup before Spring, to be ready for the planting of new seeds. Like that soil, humans need to take time to recoup, tuck-in more than go out, maybe ponder and plan. In that way it helps us be re-energized for new activity and “seed planting” possibilities for the Spring ahead.

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